Investing in Impact Infrastructure

TAG Reports

Published November 8, 2018

This landscape analysis is an attempt to cut through the clutter around impact for IT leaders and their executive teams.

Too often, IT leaders are stymied by discussions on “impact,” as such discourse can be too wide-ranging for translation into operational strategy. Other times, technology leaders will charge nobly forward in stewarding impact data standards only to find such initiatives wither from lack of adoption. This body of research and analysis attempts to find a middle-ground where leaders can assess their current state against the backdrop of existing efforts in the sector and chart a path forward.

Now is a crucial period for philanthropy to address pragmatic questions regarding what it means to measure and understand impact.

Executive Summary: A Call to Action for Philanthropy Executive Teams

Designed for you to share with executive leadership at your organization. This document makes the case for investment in culture change, shared systems, and more and includes a roadmap for getting started.  Discussion starter questions for you to engage your executive team are included.

Full Whitepaper: Pragmatic Opportunities to Equip Your Organization for Impact

With deeper analysis and in-depth recommendations, this whitepaper presents the current state of technology, initiatives, and resources across the full lifecycle of impact and offers a roadmap for your organization to begin maturing its approach today.