2020 State of Philanthropy Tech

TAG Reports

Published October 20, 2020

In August 2020, the Technology Association of Grantmakers (TAG) conducted a survey to better understand the technology environment, practices, and perceptions of TAG members and their peers throughout North America. This year’s survey builds on past surveys, which explored IT tools; management; security; diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI); integration between IT and program teams; and how many IT staff/consultants are typically employed at foundations. TAG has also added questions about COVID-19 and how emerging societal challenges are affecting how foundations are supporting grantees and nonprofit partners.

Over 230 foundations in North America and beyond responded. Their experiences have provided valuable insights into the current state of technology in philanthropy including:

  1. How COVID-19 is affecting technology budgets and philanthropic support.
  2. Ongoing challenges of building a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  3. How foundations are approaching growing security threats.
  4. What technology tools, practices, and management approaches are in use within philanthropy.

TAG Members Only: Download the full dataset.