2018 State of Philanthropy Tech

TAG Reports

Published November 8, 2018

In July 2018, the Technology Affinity Group (TAG) conducted a survey to better understand the technology environment, practices, and perceptions of TAG members and their peers throughout North America. This year’s survey builds on past surveys which focused on IT tools, management, and security.

New this year, the survey also explores new topics on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), integration between IT and program teams as well as use of blockchain. Furthermore, this year’s survey addresses an often-asked question: How many IT staff/consultants are typically employed at foundations?

Nearly 200 foundations throughout North America responded, providing a valuable assessment of the current state of technology in philanthropy including:

  1. The perception of the strategic value of technology and related integration of technology teams with program strategy and grantmaking
  2.  Diversity, equity, and inclusion practices
  3.  Security breaches, protections, and practices
  4.  Technology tools and practices in use within philanthropy

TAG Members Only: Download the full dataset