Operationalizing Trust-Based Philanthropy

Incorporating Trust-Based Values in Grantmaking Operations

RESOURCE: Grantmaking Operations with a Trust-Based Lens

In this guide by the Trust Based Philanthropy Project, you’ll learn how to move from values enabling a trust-based approach to implementation within your grantmaking operations.

Find additional guides by the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project.

WEBINAR: How Two Foundations Work to Implement a Trust-Based Approach

In this session with the Technology Association of Grantmakers (TAG) and the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project, you’ll hear from the General Service Foundation and the Magic Cabinet Foundation as they share how they’ve operationalized a learning framework and streamlined both applications and reporting as they shift their organizations toward a trust-based approach.

4 Tips for Grants Management Systems

This guide by TAG provides specific suggestions for a key element of trust-based structures: The grants management system.

Whether you are a product designer or a foundation staff member evaluating platforms, “Enabling Trust-Based Practices: 4 Tips for Grants Management Systems” is designed to provide a set of concrete features, integrations, and accessibility standards that you can use to advance your trust-based operations. Keep in mind that implementing these features in technology platforms can take time, so if you are a foundation client, it is recommended that you negotiate and even consider funding the development of trust-based functionality.

This guide offers four key suggestions for grants management systems:

  1. Support Listening
  2. Create Accessibility
  3. Promote Collaboration
  4. Set Trust-Based Practices by Default

Download the guide for concrete functionality tips in each area as well as reflections from practitioners in philanthropy.

enabling trust-based practices cover photo

Trust-Based Philanthropy Resources

Learn more about trust-based philanthropy, including a wide array of webinars, publications, and more at the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project.

Additionally, below are resources shared in an open call in February 2023 for TAG members who are product providers, consultants, and advisors to philanthropy.